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The reference is your key to a comprehensive understanding of the LyteCMS API.


The base URL to send all API requests is

The LyteCMS API follows RESTful conventions when possible, with most operations performed via GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests on page and database resources. Request and response bodies are encoded as JSON.


Endpoints that return lists of objects support cursor-based pagination requests. By default, LyteCMS returns 20 items per API call. If the number of items in a response from a support endpoint exceeds the default, then an integration can use pagination to request a specific set of the results and/or to limit the number of returned items.

Supported endpoints

HTTP methodEndpoint Description
GETList all Projects
GETList all Tables
GETList all Records
POSTQuery Records

Common parameters for paginated requests


Pagination parameters location varies by endpoint

GET requests accept parameters in the query string.

POST requests receive parameters in the request body.

page_sizenumberThe number of items per page.
pagenumberThe page number.

Common responses for paginated requests

If an endpoint supports pagination, then the response object contains the below fields.

pagenumberPage number.
page_sizenumberNumber of items per page.
total_pagesnumberTotal number of pages.
total_itemsnumberTotal number of items.